Making Money Online: 5 Main Mistakes That Stop Bloggers

by Rachel Ng

Below are the five general mistakes that bloggers need to look into:

1. Mistake One: Not focused on the theme

Some new bloggers do not blog frequently. They keep an eye out for a theme, hoping to hit on something that works, or are just sprinkled in general. Remember, this will not bring a good result as most of readers need a quality contents that can let them gain more information in your blog. So, keep your posts focused on the theme that you set out for your blog.

2. Mistake Two: Unattractive blog

Blogging isn't just about posting contents. Unfortunately, most people think that if they post it, traffic will come in automatically. They lack of useful and fascinating information on the blog. You need to make your blog unique and attractive by adding some interesting pictures and other information of interest to visitors to your blog. Blogging needs just as much attention as any other sites otherwise you'll find that you don't make much of an impact.

3. Mistake Three: Not connecting with others in your niche

Driving traffic to your site can be fairly simple. You can comment on other blogs in your niche with wide exposure to gain far more traffic than simply relying on SEO Solution. One of the best ways to do this is to 'mutually' recommend one another's sites. You can do this by asking other site owners to review your site and at the same time you can do the same for them. It is important to contact others in your niche, because it gives you a chance to participate in link exchanges.That way, you'll build a more valuable 'link base' with the other owners' site you're reviewing.

4. Mistake Four: Not fully utilize the advantage of blog

Another reason why bloggers are unable to increase the earning potential through their blogs is they don't fully utilize the advantages of blog. In fact, you can earn some money by adding Google Adsense ads on your blog. When a user clicks on the Google AdSense ads on your blog, you can earn money.

5. Mistake Five: Affiliate products not relevant to the theme of blog

You need to promote affiliate products and services that match your theme of your blog for your affiliate program in order to make money. You should always promote those affiliate products that are relevant to the key words and the content of your blog in order to be successful with your affiliate program.

That's the five things to watch. Good luck good luck continues....