The Three Main Organs Affected by Mesothelioma

Some things related to the organ that is attacked by the disease mesothelioma:

Patients who develop mesothelioma often have been exposed to asbestos at their workplace, such as navy shipyards and construction sites. The repeated exposure to asbestos means that they inhaled millions of tiny asbestos fibers that remained in their bodies. The three organs most often affected by mesothelioma are the lungs, heart and stomach.

Heart: Pericardial Mesothelioma

The tiny asbestos fibers can also become lodged in the lining of the heart, where they can cause cancer. This form of mesothelioma is called pericardial mesothelioma. It is a very rare type of mesothelioma, accounting for about 10 percent of all mesothelioma cases.

Lungs: Pleural Mesothelioma

The most common form of mesothelioma, known as pleural mesothelioma, affects the lungs. The disease results when inhaled asbestos fibers become lodged in the lining that surrounds the lungs and cause the growth of cancerous cells around them. This process causes the lining of the lungs to fill with fluid, which obstructs breathing and causes chest pain. At this point, most pleural mesothelioma patients notice that something is wrong and seek the help of a doctor.

Stomach: Peritoneal Mesothelioma

The asbestos fibers can also become lodged in the lining around the stomach. This type of mesothelioma, which is called peritoneal mesothelioma, occurs when a person eats food covered with microscopic asbestos fibers. The fibrous material remains in the stomach lining for a long time (20-50 years) before it prompts the growth of the cancer cells. Peritoneal mesothelioma is much rarer than pleural mesothelioma, accounting for about 10-20 percent of all mesothelioma cases.

Thus the above matters that need attention.

Three Common Mistakes Information Marketers Make

Why is information marketing appealing?

In this short report, I will share several of the common pitfalls that information marketers can fall into, as well as provide tips as to how to become one of the lucky - and hard-working - few who strike it rich.

Entrepreneurs are drawn to the low barriers to entry, high profit margins, hands-off management, and quick time-to-market. An information marketer can dream up a product one day and release it overnight, seeing a return on their investment almost immediately.

While it's easy to become an information marketer, doing it successfully is another matter. Many bright-eyed would-be millionaires dive into the market, hoping to discover the fabled rivers of gold, much like the 49'ers in the Gold Rush of yore.

Mistake Number One: Aiming for Perfection

When the Wright brothers took their first historic flight on December 17, 1903, they weren't trying for perfection. They weren't trying to offer great cocktail service or wireless Internet or 100 channels of TV aboard their flying machine. They just wanted the darned thing to stay up in the air for a few seconds!

And a few seconds - twelve, to be exact - was all they got. And they became famous for it.

Now imagine if they had been concerned about the extras - no, I don't mean beverage service or comfy seats. But if they had wanted a crash-free landing, a three-hour (or three-minute!) flight, a stylish rig - they'd probably have never gone out to that sand dune in Kitty Hawk in the first place. They'd still be in the workshop, tinkering with the wheels or wing flaps.

What Orville and Wilbur knew - and what information marketers would do well to take note of - is that perfection is overrated. In fact, it doesn't exist. So waiting until your product is "perfect" before you release it means you have a good chance of either never releasing it at all, or delaying so long that someone else beats you to the punch and scoops your market out from under you.

Hesitant to release a product that is less than perfect? Well, Microsoft - and pretty much every other software company - does it all the time! And if "good enough" is good enough for billionaire Bill Gates, it's good enough for you.

Of course, there is a fine balance between releasing something that's not ready and releasing something that's valuable but a little rough around the edges. This is where having a handful of beta testers can come in very handy. Send out your product to a group of people for their feedback, and see what they think. Ask them:

• What's missing?

• Can you use this product to create more value in your business or life right now?

• On a scale of 1 to 10, what would you rate this product?

• If you could change one thing, what would it be?

If you get overwhelmingly positive feedback and your ratings are all in the 6-plus range, you're good to go. If you're getting comments like, "I couldn't understand what you meant," or, "I'm not sure how to use this," or, "You need to rewrite Chapter Three," then you're not quite there. Take another look at what you have, make the requested changes or suggestions, and try again.

Remember, you don't have to make it across the Atlantic in one piece; you just have to make it around the block.

Mistake Number Two: Releasing a "Me Too" Product

When you see other information marketers making big bucks from an ebook on, say, Twitter traffic generating strategies it is really tempting to jump up and say, "I could write an ebook on Twitter traffic generating strategies, too! And then I could make big bucks too!"

It sounds good - but it doesn't necessarily work that way. In fact, if you create and release a "me too" product that is nothing more than an imitation of a more successful product already on the market, don't be surprised if the world doesn't rush to your door. (And, don't be surprised if you tick off the original product creator, too.)

"But wait!" you might be saying. "Dunkin' Donuts opens up across the street from Starbucks, and they both do well!"

Yeah, they do. That's because it's NOT a "me-too." Each has its own spin on the product. Dunkin' is where you go for quick brew and a 99-cent donut. You head across the street to Starbucks if you want a gourmet breakfast sandwich and a wi-fi connection while you prepare for your client meeting. Distinct needs; distinct products.

To take the coffee metaphor online… It's okay to come up with a product that's similar to a competitor's, but you need to put your own spin on it, adding value over what your competitor is offering.

Here are some ideas that you can use to create a "me-too" product that stands on its own:

• Make it faster. Check out your competitor's product. If it promises Thinner Thighs in Thirty Days, offer Thinner Thighs in Two Weeks.

• Make it easier. Does the original product offer ten steps to increased conversions? Then offer three steps instead.

• Make it bigger. Competitor sells 100 30-minute recipes? Then you need 200.

• Make it visual (or auditory, or written). If there's an ebook on the topic, create the videos and audios, or vice-versa. Not all people learn the same, so cover the parts of the market your competition is missing.

• Make it cheaper. When Jeff Walker released his six-figure launch e-course, a smart marketer released "The Poor Man's Launch Course" for a fraction of the cost.

• Make it more expensive. It may sound counter-intuitive, but it works! Some customers want "the best" and will go for the more expensive option automatically. If you can back your higher price tag with greater value, you will pull people looking for the Rolls Royce solution.

There's really no excuse for creating a copycat product. Put your individual stamp on the product instead, and you'll find that you can reach the buyers your competitors are missing.

Mistake Number Three: Overselling

The other day, my six-year-old convinced me to get her this chalk set that promised "3-D effects on your own driveway!" She pointed to the kids on the box, glowing with the success of creating artistic, 3-D effects that would rival those of Pixar. "Please, Daddy please!" she begged.

I gave in, shelled out the $12, and we took the box home.

You know the story - it didn't work. Within five minutes, I had a crying daughter, a box of broken chalk, and a headache.

The problem here? The company oversold their product. They made promises their product didn't fulfill. Let this be a lesson to you.

Now, the chances that your disappointed customers will end up in tears may be remote, but there are takeaways for information marketers:

• People read - and believe - your sales page. You may think that no one reads those things, but they do! And they expect your product to perform as described. If you say, "Thinner Thighs in Two Weeks," that's what they expect to see. Don't make promises that aren't achievable.

• If the product doesn't work, they will tell their friends. My little Ralph Nader has already warned the entire kindergarten not to buy that particular craft product, and you can bet she'll warn anyone she sees at Target, reaching for the box. Mad customers talk - online, in person, in forums, you name it.

• If you don't fulfill what you say, they will be upset. They won't blame the extra cookies they had after dinner each night this week or the ice cream sundae they chowed; they will blame YOU and YOUR PRODUCT. If there are limitations on performance, make sure you clearly state them on your sales page.

A New Way of Treating Mesothelioma - Targeted Therapy

by Bello Kamorudeen

More specific "targeted therapies" that address the mechanisms that drive disease progression may actually provide a better means of prolonging the average life span of mesothelioma patients. "The term 'targeted therapy' refers to a new generation of anti-cancer drugs designed to interfere with a specific molecular 'target,' most often a protein or a receptor that is believed to have a critical role in tumor growth," says lead study author Katalin Dobra, MD, PhD, a researcher in the Department of Laboratory Medicine at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden.

"Targeted cancer therapy takes advantage of our recent knowledge of the key mechanism that the malignant [cancerous] cell needs for its survival, and uses the special properties of mesothelioma cells to design novel therapeutic strategies," Dr. Dobra says.

The process starts with molecular screening to identify the characteristics of a tumor and how it behaves, what causes it to grow and spread. Then researchers test various therapies on cells in the laboratory to see if they can interfere with that process. Not until then can a new cure be tested on patients in clinical trials.

So far, Dr. Dobra's team has identified three possible molecular targets, each with its own potential treatment:

* Proteasome-subunits are groups of enzymes that regulate cell progression and death. Potential treatment: Drugs called proteasome inhibitors have been shown to halt the growth of mesothelioma cells.

* The thioredoxin system contains components that are produced differently in cancerous and noncancerous mesothelial cells, and it is thought to contribute to the survival of mesothelioma cells. Potential treatment: In collaboration with other groups, Dr. Dobra has shown that the mineral selenite may trigger mesothelioma cell death while sparing healthy cells.

* Proteoglycans (PGs) are a class of proteins that differ based on the type of mesothelioma cell. They work by affecting the growth factors that help mesothelioma cells grow and divide. Potential treatment: Oligosaccharide sequences, which are made up of chains of sugar molecules, might interfere with the work of PGs.

One of these targeted approaches, proteasome inhibitors, is now being tested in clinical trials. The other two methods are also promising, but more research is needed before they can be tested on patients. Additional tumor targets are also being investigated.

Hopefully the above information useful to yours...

Making Money Online: 5 Main Mistakes That Stop Bloggers

by Rachel Ng

Below are the five general mistakes that bloggers need to look into:

1. Mistake One: Not focused on the theme

Some new bloggers do not blog frequently. They keep an eye out for a theme, hoping to hit on something that works, or are just sprinkled in general. Remember, this will not bring a good result as most of readers need a quality contents that can let them gain more information in your blog. So, keep your posts focused on the theme that you set out for your blog.

2. Mistake Two: Unattractive blog

Blogging isn't just about posting contents. Unfortunately, most people think that if they post it, traffic will come in automatically. They lack of useful and fascinating information on the blog. You need to make your blog unique and attractive by adding some interesting pictures and other information of interest to visitors to your blog. Blogging needs just as much attention as any other sites otherwise you'll find that you don't make much of an impact.

3. Mistake Three: Not connecting with others in your niche

Driving traffic to your site can be fairly simple. You can comment on other blogs in your niche with wide exposure to gain far more traffic than simply relying on SEO Solution. One of the best ways to do this is to 'mutually' recommend one another's sites. You can do this by asking other site owners to review your site and at the same time you can do the same for them. It is important to contact others in your niche, because it gives you a chance to participate in link exchanges.That way, you'll build a more valuable 'link base' with the other owners' site you're reviewing.

4. Mistake Four: Not fully utilize the advantage of blog

Another reason why bloggers are unable to increase the earning potential through their blogs is they don't fully utilize the advantages of blog. In fact, you can earn some money by adding Google Adsense ads on your blog. When a user clicks on the Google AdSense ads on your blog, you can earn money.

5. Mistake Five: Affiliate products not relevant to the theme of blog

You need to promote affiliate products and services that match your theme of your blog for your affiliate program in order to make money. You should always promote those affiliate products that are relevant to the key words and the content of your blog in order to be successful with your affiliate program.

That's the five things to watch. Good luck good luck continues....

To find AdSense Keyword Values

Finding AdSense keyword values takes place in steps and it involves gathering information from various corners of the web. If done manually, this process can take some time but you get the added benefit of really understanding the condition of your keywords within the web. The process of finding AdSense keyword values can actually be very insightful and can give you ideas about the best ways to market and promote your website.

The best way to find AdSense keyword values is to do some keyword research. This involves spending some time preparing your AdSense campaign. It is often best to do keyword research before you begin an AdSense project, but it can also be done after a site has been published in order to boost its Click-Through-Rates (CTR) and Cost-Per-Clicks (CPC).

The basic steps in discovering AdSense keyword values are as follows:

  • Creating a general keywords list related to your chosen AdSense theme.

  • Collecting information about the popularity of the words. Basically this is information that tells us how frequently the words are used in search queries. These are commonly known as the demand figures.

  • Collecting information about the competition. This is data that tells us about how many websites are catering for the words under investigation. This is normally known as the supply figures.

  • Doing a small calculation that gives you a simple easy to digest figure, that gives you an approximate idea of the value of the keywords been investigated.

The easiest way to collate the information is to use a spread sheet, which can be used to do the more cumbersome and repetitious calculations. Finding AdSense keyword value is essential for all AdSense projects. Discovering them can give you the information you need to properly plan and strategize your AdSense campaign in order to maximize its potential.

As you can see these steps can be quiet laborious and time consuming depending on how large your website is. The larger your site the more AdSense keyword values you need to find.

Treatment of cancer

by Daniel

Cancer treatment has some opportunity to prevent cancer they has follows:

* Surgery
* Diagnosis
* Treatment
* Chemotherapy
* Hormonal Therapy
* Radiation Therapy
* Targeted Therapy

What is Cancer
Canceris a disease in which cells multiply without control, destroy healthy tissue, and endanger life. There are about a 100 types of cancer that attacks us. Cancer strikes people of any age but the chances are more for the middle aged and the elderly.


Cancer patient want to do surgery. Surgeries mainly execute the removal of living tissue. Its have some types to do surgery. Initially they gave a local treatment and they determine whether the treatment is needed or not. If cancer patient need a surgery it's according to their stage of cancer. Now days they are technically develop their surgery part.


Diagnosis a cancer is the best way. Suppose if its lump or group, so that they used to locate the surgeon part clearly. They supposed to remove the cancer part and directly sent to pathology laboratory, check whether the part is affected by cancer or not. After the suggestion is sent from the laboratory the physician does their treatment according to their stage of cancer.


The active treatment of cancer they need a best involvement and coordination for every treatment. The most important is that surgery is not a good result for a patient. Cancer is diagnosed, through the blood, cancer cells are suppose to spread allover the part of the body, if it is spreading cancer. Cancer treatment needs some therapy treatment they are chemotherapy, radiation and hormonal therapy if it is necessary.


Chemotherapy is a one of the treatment that made up of drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy had a consist of single drugs or blend of drugs they bid the medicine according to their stage of cancer. Chemotherapy is totally varies from surgery, because in that cancer-fighting drugs is use to prevent the cancer whether it is spread to every parts of the body or blood. Many of the people diagnosed with cancer can receive the chemotherapy. Millions of people affected with cancers they can receive the chemotherapy treatment. Chemotherapy is very easy way to prevent the cancer.

Hormonal Therapy:

Hormones are generally emotive part in the body that will grown because hormone in sensitive tissues, such as breast gland. When cancer on breast part it will occur all over part of the body with own hormones. Hormone therapy are the best way to prevent the cancer but its used take away the secrete hormones such as ovaries or testicles. Hormonal Therapy analogous to chemotherapy. But its systematic treatment is used to clear the cancer cells all over the body.

Radiation Therapy:

Radiation therapy is a main part to harm the DNA cancer cell and is used to avoid the growing and reproduction of cancer cells. When cancer cells died and the cancer are supposed to disappear. The main advantage of Radiation therapy is uses to destroy the cancer cells and improve the cure of cancer and reduce the side effects of cancer. Radiation therapy may possibly used for reducing the symptoms under the medical condition.

Radiation is typically organized in the way high-energy mean radiation gave a heavy dose where the cancer cells are performed. Radiation can kill the cancer cells in the location part of the body if they continue is not easy to destroy the cancer cells.

Targeted Therapy:

A targeted therapy is one of the therapy treatments that is use to treat just cancer cells and reduce the harm cells whether it's normal, healthy cells. The target of cancer treatment is reducing the side effects of cancer and to improve the good results who are affected by cancer.

Cancer Detection

There are seven warning signals of Cancer
An unusual change in the bowel or bladder habits
A wound which does not heal quickly
Bleeding or discharge in large quantity
Unusual lump in the body
Difficulty in swallowing food
Obvious change in the wart or mole
Nagging cough or hoarseness

Mesothelioma Subcategories

Mesothelioma is very deadly but often difficult to diagnose because of its unusually long latency period (up to several decades). People who have been exposed to asbestos and developed mesothelioma may not feel the effects until 30 to 50 years later, when the cancer has progressed to an advanced stage

Mesothelioma Subcategories

While mesothelioma can spread throughout the body as it progresses, it generally begins in one primary location. The three types of mesothelioma according to its location are:

  • Pleural mesothelioma: This disease affects the pleura, a segment of the mesothelium that covers and protects the lungs. It is the most common form of mesothelioma, making up about 75% of all diagnosed cases. Symptoms of this illness include a chronic cough, chest pain and shortness of breath.

  • Peritoneal mesothelioma: Up to 20% of mesothelioma cases are peritoneal mesothelioma. This disease attacks the peritoneum, a protective membrane over the abdomen. Symptoms of this form of mesothelioma include abdominal pain, persistent nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, and digestive problems.

  • Pericardial mesothelioma: This is the rarest form of mesothelioma, accounting for only about 5% of cases. This illness affects the pericardium, which is the part of the mesothelium that covers and protects the heart. Symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma include persistent chest pain, irregular heartbeats, shortness of breath, and fatigue.

With Adsense : 4 Steps to Making Money

by CrystalQ

To make easy money with AdSense you need to do few things.

1. Ad Placement:
Ad Placement can really make the difference when it come to making money with AdSense. The best spot to place your AdSense ad is within the content at the top, the size should be 338x280 Large Rectangle.

2. AdSense Theme:
Plain themes and templates work best for AdSense. Templates that have to much going on tend to get less clicks.

3. Keyword Research:
The reason for big AdSense pay checks is keywords. You need to find high paying keywords to base your content on. There are many free keyword tools available, just do a search for "free keyword tools" using your favorite search engine.

4. Traffic:
The best traffic for AdSense is from the search engines, you need good SEO to drive traffic this way. Another good source of traffic that is free is from Articles. Article marketing can help catapult your websites traffic, backlinks and your websites page rank.

Lets see if you have what it takes to make money with AdSense.

You should have...
1. Chosen a plain looking theme or template.
2. Done keyword research for you websites content.
3. Add your content like articles, images, audio or video.
4. Then you should have placed your 338x280 Large Rectangle ad at the top of your content.

5 Simple Steps To Make Money As A Blogger : Make Money Blogging

by Jeremy Gislason

If you're just starting to blog and you don't have your own network yet, don't worry. In this article, I'll show you how to make money blogging using 5 simple steps. As long as you're willing to learn and take action, you can skyrocket your earnings in no time.

Step 1: Decide the specific topic or niche of your blog.

Your blog topics should be something that both you, and your audience, are familiar with or passionate about.

Let's say you want to make money blogging about video games. If you'e a WarCraft fan, and you understand the game from top to bottom, you're more likely to come up with beneficial content than if you were to write something completely uninteresting or foreign to you.

Step 2: Create a professional-looking blog.

Choose an eye-catching design and style for your blog. You can find free themes and plugins on the internet, so you can build attractive blogs and maximize their full moneymaking potentials.

Step 3: Post valuable, entertaining or controversial content on your blog.

It's better if you write the content yourself, so that your personality may shine through. But in case you can't think of any ideas or you're pressed for time, you could always outsource the task to a dependable freelancer. Remember, if you want to make money blogging, you need to invest time and/or money in providing excellent content.

Let's say you have a WarCraft blog offering free tips for a soon-to-launch ebook, what's a good plan?

Well, you could write 300-600 word quality articles related to your World of WarCraft blog, and post an article at least 5 times a week in it. If you give quality content, your credibility or authority level shoots up.

Getting people to write comments is an excellent way to get free content and make money blogging. People love to join hot discussions. Encourage comment posting by offering certain prizes for blog commenters of the month. For example, you could give $50-$100, gift cards to Amazon, or copies of your own products (in case you don't want to offer money).

By posting valuable content and encouraging comments, you're slowly building a network of fans to your blog.

Step 4: Monetize it.

There are a number of ways to make money blogging through various monetization streams.

You could promote your own products related to your content. If you provide good solid information and they're satisfied, they are more likely to buy from you.

If you don't have your own products, you could buy products with resale or private label rights. But if you don't want to go through any hassles, you could simply promote affiliate products related to your content.

You could also post Google adsense on your blog, so you can make money blogging whenever someone clicks on those ads, even if they didn't buy anything.

You can also make money by using pay-per-action programs. These programs usually pay you more than adsense, but less than the normal affiliate programs. How do you earn with pay-per-action programs? Every time someone does a specific action that the advertiser intends them to do (whether it's filling up a form, downloading a report, subscribing to a list, etc.), you get paid a certain amount.

If your blog becomes popular enough, you could also offer advertising space where marketers will pay you to put their advertisements in your blog.

Step 5: Bring in the traffic.

There are different techniques to generate traffic and make money blogging.

Set up your blog posts to be "pinged" automatically to a list of ping sites every time you make a new post. Pinging is a method that allows your content to be indexed faster by the search engines.

Use Google Adwords or other pay-per-click methods to advertise your blog. When people search for certain keywords related to your blog, your pay-per-click ad comes out. You only pay every time someone clicks on your ad.

Create informative or entertaining videos, advertise your blog in that video, and upload them to video-sharing sites. Youtube may be the most popular one, but there are other sites worth uploading your videos to. You may use a free service like tubemogul.com to simultaneously upload your videos to a variety of video-sharing sites of your choosing.

Submit your blog to blog directories. Simply search for "blog directories" in Google and you'll get a list to submit your blog details to.

One of the most effective ways to make money blogging is to contact other bloggers and set up a proposal - you put their blog link on your blog, and vice-versa.

Write articles and submit them to article directories. You can then advertise your blog in the resource box. You could even use your blog content as articles to submit to article directories. But that's not all…

how to make money on facebook

There are many methods to profit from Facebook and here are three of the basic methods below:

1. Facebook paid advertising - as mentioned before you can now pay for advertising on Facebook. This can prove an excellent way to target customers if you have your own product or service. Even if you are an affiliate marketer you can make an excellent income through Facebook paid advertising.

2. Fan page - it is possible to start a fan page on Facebook and use it to make a profit. The idea is to make your page become popular and then sell your product or service to the people that visit your page. This works well if you can make the page funny or entertaining as people will pass it on to their friends if it is amusing.

3. Facebook app - these are small programs that are used through the Facebook platform to enhance the user experience on the site. They can be anything from a short quiz to an online game. Some of the apps on Facebook become very popular and this is a great method as you are then able to target the people with adverting that are using your app.

It already offers a paid advertising solution that rivals the main search engines in terms of price and advert targeting. So it is little wonder advertisers are moving over to Facebook to make money in their droves.

So is it easy to make money with Facebook? The answer is no - it isn't easy but it is possible with a bit of research and good plan to make a huge profit.