PPC Advertising for the Unskilled in Business

by Binh Nguyen

Pay per click advertising is one of the most accepted methods when doing internet marketing. Its popularity becomes more heightened because of the power and cost effective way it does to your website. In simple words, PPC advertising is described as a method of online advertising in which an internet marketer places an ad and pays a certain amount whenever a visitor clicks on that particular ad. PPC is not rocket science - meaning anyone can easily do it. Your ad can be set up, customized, and be modified easily even if you have a little knowledge with computer or know only basic internet stuffs. By the way, your pay per click ads are available in an image or text formats.

One giant name on the internet is Google which is currently generating millions of dollars per year from its PPC advertising system through the small sidebar ads on its search results pages. Well, the search result page of most search engines mainly constitute of two searches - the natural search results and the paid advertisements which are the pay per click ads and are located at the right side of the pages. If you create your PPC ad, the basic elements are your ad title, ad text, and an internet link that a visitor can click on. However, the placement of your ad will depend to the search engine of your choice. This is because some of them rank their ads on the cost per click, which is usually from highest to lowest. Whereas others calculate the ranking of each ad by using a sophisticated multi criteria optimization.

In general, the ads are only triggered when a web user searched for something using the specified keywords. Advertisers can customize them by a keyword-based search. Though, most advertisers prefer the least competitive keywords to ensure them ultimate ad visibility at the lowest rate. But on the other end, some advertisers bid for the highly competitive keywords that requires them higher cost per click. This makes the advertisers to pay more, yet it offers the top ad placement.

To get your pay per click ad started, you only need a few dollars out of your pocket. You will need to fill up a registration form with some of your basic personal info like your name, address, phone, your business information, and your credit card. When you've finished the registration, the next step would be to place your ad campaign. Your ad campaign is your paid advertisement that should be set up with all the basic criteria. So as not to make the task difficult for you, most of the PPC advertising companies provide detailed written instructions as well as video tutorials to avoid doing any mistake while creating your ad campaign. You see, nothing is difficult about pay per click as long as you're willing to improve and succeed.